So, I decided to go for it again with the Friday Favorites. I like taking a day just to think about things I love and all those little joys that make me happy. Today's joy is not a little one. Actually, it's three little ones, but their place in my heart is not small. I present to you, my amazingly beautiful nieces, Lealie and Stori, and nephew, Sammie. They are, to me, the absolute embodiment of the best of all of us in my family, and the perfect reflections of their fathers who came into our family by marriage, but have made us so much better than we ever were before them. These three little pieces of magic are the manifestation of who we have become. And while I know first hand that they aren't perfect (plenty of pouting and crying to back that up), they are, to me, quite perfect.
Last fall we took an afternoon to take some photos of the kids playing together, and also of them playing with their moms, Jenni and Mandie. We had a really good day, and got some fun shots in the process. Well, as happens far too often, I got busy with work that was piling up, and the photos went to the back burner. And then my Delta debacle happened, and my computer was stolen, along with what I believed at the time to be the only copy of the photos of the kids playing. Well, low and behold, apparently I actually backed them up on another hard drive and completely forgot about it. It was like finding money in your pocket when you're not expecting it, only cuter. Needless to say, I was pretty excited. Our family is divided by many miles and states between us, and the kids aren't able to be together that often. So the photos while they're still little were really precious to me. So, today I'm going to post the earlier part of that day, while we were getting ready for the park. There's quite a few photos, so I thought I'd divide it up between today and Sunday. Spread out the cuteness over the weekend. Today's photos are just of Sammie and Lealie, brother and sister, playing on their Aunt Jenn's bed before going to the park. I could write volumes on how amazing these kids are, but for this purpose, I'll just let the photos tell the story for the time being.
How great is this face? You can almost hear him thinking, "Whaaa?"
This is the little Lealie bug. She is many things wrapped up in a little body, and I still can't get over how beautiful she is. I thought that when she was born, with her bright blue eyes and jet black hair, believe it or not. And as amazing as she was even from the very beginning, she is only getting more and more wonderful as she grows. I just wish she'd do it a little slower.
Sleepy Sam.
And a somewhat sleepy Lealie Loo too.
Sammie and his sweet mama Mandie.
This makes me laugh everytime I look at it. This is the story of Sam's life I think. Lealie is passionate, and lives a big life. She feels much, expresses everything, and loves big, squeezing the object of her affections in the process. And Sam, Mr. Go With the Flow, just rolls with it. I've seen this kid take some pretty major knocks and he doesn't bat an eyelash. As wonderfully dramatic as Lealie is, Sammie is just as cool and level. They are the perfect balance of each other, and each are going to be better because of the other one. I can't wait to see how that will work more and more as they get older. But for now, it's just funny to watch.
The sleepiness wore off quickly, and she was back to her usual little jumping bean self. Click on the photo to see this one bigger, which looks a lot better than the small version.
Again, this is the portrait of their true selves. Lealie bouncing off the walls, and Sam just chillin with it.
I made this tutu for her birthday, but she was cuter in it than I even thought possible.
This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy ate organic vegetables, and this little piggy had none. And this little piggy went Wee Wee all the way wherever he wanted to, because his path is full of every possibility in a great big world.
I've had a strange fascination with photographing little feet for a while, and these are by far my new favorites.
Sunday I'll post some more photos of our afternoon playtime with Lealie, Sammie, and their cousin Stori and her mama Jenni, two of the great loves of my life. Until then, thanks for reading, and I'll post more soon.