A Bit About Me

   Although I'm a proud North Carolina native, a southern girl born and bred, I have come to realize that I feel more like a citizen of the world than of a certain region. The combination of my Native American heritage, traveling as a missionary in Africa, and the many roads in between have inspired and formed me. All of these have helped to instill the passion of creativity, and the recognition that all inspiration is breathed by the Creator. As an artist and photographer, I have always been dedicated to the pursuit of creative expression and the freedom that lies within it.

  Professionally, I've worked as a freelance photographer, shooting mostly portraits, weddings, and some travel photography. When I have the opportunity to photograph someone, be it their wedding, their first child, a simple portrait, or something completely new and different, I am honored to partner with them as we create something beautiful and authentic. There are many different ideas and philosophies when it comes to photography. Mine is simple: Catch the truth, preserve the moment, and try to capture the true essence of the people I photograph. Although I absolutely love doing more constructed portraits, my specialty is a photo-journalistic style which paints a true and unique painting of the hearts of the people in it. As "a picture is worth a thousand words", my joy is capturing the threads of priceless moments that weave together to tell the story of people's lives. I am genuinely honored to be this kind of storyteller and be invited into some very sweet and intimate moments of people's lives. I love the ability photography has to freeze a moment and make time stand still. The image captures a tiny frame of time, usually less than a second. But photography allows that moment to live forever, perfectly preserved. Shooting portraits is a deeply passionate pursuit of mine, and I see it as far more than just taking someone's photo. I really desire, and aim, to create art with my subject. I want us to work together to make something completely new and unique. I want my portraits to show the true nature and soul of the person I'm shooting. This is not always a reachable goal, for a number of different reasons. But when it happens, it is true bliss for me. And the absolute best compliments I've ever received are when friends and family of my subjects look at the portraits I've taken and say something along the lines of, "I've never seen a photo like this. It's almost like a picture of their body and their soul. You completely captured who she really is." There is no greater accolade for me than to achieve that goal.

   Outside of photography, I've been developing myself as an artist for the majority of my life. Different times and seasons have allowed and catered to pursuing art more than some others. But the pursuit of creative expression and release is a constant thread that runs throughout my entire life, and affects most facets of who I am. I love drawing and illustrating, mainly people. I've realized that in both photography and fine art I am a portraitist. I sometimes venture into making art that isn't about people at all, but it's more the exception than the rule. I've had incredible opportunities to develop many different types of skill in many different mediums, and it's been an honor to learn from every single person that has ever passed their wisdom and experience along to me. I am the person and artist I am because of the generosity of others feeding into me. I love working in pencil, oil pastels, soft pastels, collage, digital illustrations, sculpture, glass mosaics, pottery, fiber arts, quilting, and a host of other beautiful art forms that have captured my imagination.

   This blog is, for me, an outlet to express my love of all forms of expression, and my creative journey as an artist. I've always had a passion for the written word, and as much as I feel that sometimes a single image can say more than words ever could, I also realize the power that words have to express an idea or truth in a way that can change the lives of the people receiving the words. Good writing becomes a part of us. It's like a seed that goes deep into us, grows roots, and brings life where there may not have been any before. Blogging is the perfect union of image and word and I'm really excited to be working in this new art form. I'm not exactly sure how mine will develop, but that's the fun part of the journey. I don't want to limit myself to writing and showing strictly my own artwork. Some parts of life that aren't a work of art in and of themselves are hugely important factors in developing us and inspiring our creativity and our art. I really want to stay honest and authentic and follow my own inner voice as I tell my story.

   I'd love to hear from anyone reading my little blog and am very excited about making connections and meeting new friends. I have always deeply desired community, and I hope that the blogging world might be a door to the creative community I've been hoping for. I thrive from seeing other people's journeys and creative expressions and art. I have a strong conviction that we are all creative. And people who fear that they aren't simply haven't discovered how to tap into theirs yet. I have a deep burden to help people release their own creativity, in whatever form it is, and how it completely frees and changes people's lives. We are creative people, made in the image of a creative God. Creativity is the very core of everything that is, including each of us. And it is the base of a very precious part of my life and my relationship with my God. So, I hope this blog benefits anyone that reads it, along with me as I get to create it. Thanks for checking it out. Feel free to take your time and look around, and always ask any questions or leave any comments you like. I'd love to hear from you.

Aubrey K. D. Riggs