February 14, 2011

Love's Celebration

   On this, the day of Love's celebration, I listen to the music of my heart's affection. I hear it sing, and listen as it soars at the very thought of the One that captivates me. He is. He is my whole love. He is all my affection. He is my husband. He is everything I long for, and the end of everything I ache for. He is mine and I am His. All things my eyes gaze upon are seen through the glasses of my heart's pursuit. And as it is my love for Him, who is Love itself, that encourages me to even breathe. All things are beautifully tainted by this obsession. There is no room for my love to be jealous. So instead of wanting Him all to myself, my pounding desire is that all would share Him. It is not in me to put Him in my box, because that is not His heart. And as His heart and my own have become so interwoven in this dance, I don't claim to be the source of anything right that I feel. His heart has got to come together. His people need to hear Him. And my whole self needs more of Him today than I ever have. Oh, that His people would come together in an explosion of creative passion for the One that loves everything about them. Multiple intimacy without promiscuity.

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