August 9, 2012

A Little Beading Project- In Process

   So I realized lately that I haven't shown anything I'm working on during the process of making it. And a lot of times I really enjoy seeing other artists process, so I'm going to try to be more conscious of stopping and taking some photos along the way. This particular little project is a beading piece I'm struggling through. I've been doing Indian bead embroidery since I was a kid, when my Uncle Don taught me one summer traveling around to different powwows. Through the years I've gone through seasons of doing more beading than others. But lately I've been missing doing something solid with my hands that isn't drawing. I think I underestimated the difficulty level of this particular pattern, but now I'm into it, and complications aside, I'm having a good time. It's deceptively simple looking, but it's genius is in the subtle and intricate color gradation. It's FAR from perfect, but it's all about the process right? I've been doing this type of beadwork since I was just a kid, but I'm still constantly learning. I like that.

   I took this photo with my phone, so the exact colors aren't the best, but I'll post a better photo of the finished piece when it gets there. I think after this piece I want to try a different style of beadwork. I've always loved the Cherokee floral bags I've seen, so maybe something in that direction. Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Aubrey,this is a great work you are doing,I have wanted and prayed for this to come through and wish you have a big Art gallery and show room to display your great artistic work, am so blessed to see this..keep it up,may the good Lord continue to bless and keep you.
Sunny in Hong Kong